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Crying is not enough

Elizabeth Howkins

This personal and professional story links Elizabeth's roles as carer and interprofessional teacher in her struggle to find help for her dying husband. She describes the challenges of introducing an interprofessional education (IPE) programme with its failures and successes; her discovery of the UK Centre for the Advancement Interprofessional Education (CAIPE) and their guiding principles of IPE enabled her to produce a successful programme. Learning from the experience, Elizabeth went on to research and publish work on IPE before giving back to CAIPE by becoming CAIPE chair.

This digital story was created in a Patient Voices workshop sponsored by the Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE).

This story is one of a set that have been entered for the 2019 Charity Film Awards. Please show your appreciation by taking a couple of moments to vote for them here.
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