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Charles Campion-Smith

The story is about Charles and Sue's work to support an interprofessional team to learn and teach others about the hitherto unfamiliar concept of palliative care and the practical aspects of its delivery in a low-resource African country (Tanzania). Charles' story illustrates the underlying values of interprofessional education i.e. the underlying philosophy of IPE rather than the implementation of the IPE framework. Charles was able to use his knowledge of the principles of interprofessional education to cross cultural and geographical boundaries by respecting individuality, difference and diversity of the Tanzanian community.

This digital story was created in a Patient Voices workshop sponsored by the Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE).

This story is one of a set that have been entered for the 2019 Charity Film Awards. Please show your appreciation by taking a couple of moments to vote for them here.
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The word cloud for this story.