Stories from the Working in Partnership Programme (WIPP)
These stories from the Working in Partnership Programme reflect the experiences of, and benefits from, an enlightened programme of self-care.
For the love of Lee
Choice of career is often determined by early life events. The excellent care her boyfriend received when he was dying of cancer determined Yvonne to put something back into the system by helping other people to stay healthy.
Pushing water uphill
A paramedic sees lots of time being lost and wasted by unnecessary emergency calls from people who don’t know how to look after themselves – and tries to make things better through the WiPP self-care programme.
Working together towards self-care
Despite at inward groan at having to take on responsibility for self-care on top of his normal job, Nick reaps the benefits and sees participants become healthier, happier and better able to deal with stress.
A painful story
A bad accident results in a rare and painful condition which isn’t discovered for two years. Uncertainty and lack of information lead to depression that only lifts when NHS Direct directs Pat to a self-care course.
What I’ve learned from my dad
Anna’s first lessons in self-care came from her father who, suffering from arthritis, had to learn how to look after himself.