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Patient Voices: Three days in Cambridge

Patient Voices: Three days in Cambridge

Ever since we began our work in 2003, describing the experience of a reflective digital storytelling workshop has presented a challenge. Explaining the schedule of the three days is simple, but communicating to potential storytellers or workshop sponsors how it feels is another matter. In 2016, with this in mind, we decided to commission a documentary film production company to produce a short film on what three days in Cambridge at a Patient Voices reflective digital storytelling workshop feels like.

The documentary

This is the result of the patient and skillful efforts of Reto Stamm and Darcy Alexandra from Inquiry Media, the film makers.


The stories

Several storytellers released the stories they created in the workshop. They can be seen via the links below.

Title Description
Pieces Claudia has worked and lived in different countries, and different parts of one country. Medicine, healthcare, cannot save everyone and when death, severe illness or harm happen unexpectedly ,a serious untoward incident (SUI) has to be reported. This is one story of one incident and one team in a hospital somewhere.
Her birth plan This is Rachel’s story.
Death This is Emily’s story.
Antony This is Elizabeth’s second story.
The Junior Doctor  This is Clare’s story.
C- must try harder This is Sharon’s story.

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