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Patient Voices: Why teach English?


Why teach English?

This project was driven by the inspiration of Richard Pemberton to investigate new ways of enabling trainee language teachers to reflect on their motivation and experiences. The intention is to explore an innovative approach to assessment and to the communication of an organisation’s culture across global sites.

These stories were created in a Patient Voices Reflective digital storytelling workshop in May 2010.

Coming of age…
For Richard, exploring the world, its people, and its places is an experience that both marks a ‘coming of age’ and turns his preconceptions about a teaching career on their head.

The roof
Although her own daughter changes her mind about the career she would like to have on a regular basis, Dalal is, and has always wanted to be, a teacher. When her enthusiasm for TESOL teaching begins to flag, she goes back in her mind to her own childhood, teaching her toys on the roof of her parents’ house and she knows, again, that she has made the right choice.

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