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Patient Voices: Working smarter


Working smarter

Reflective digital stories told by young Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) about their experiences of training and employment are valuable learning resources that can be placed at the centre of programmes for the development of mentors and preceptors. They also provide a rich way of gathering and conveying to further cohorts of trainee AHPs the experiences and experiential learning of their predecessors.
This project with AHPs follows on from successful projects at the University of Nottingham with Mental Health Nurses and on inter-professional working.

Learning to work smarter, not harder
David’s energy and determination take him from school to university despite his dyslexia. When he moves from university to the initial phases of his career, he finds that the support systems in place are different, and he must learn to work smarter, not harder.

My best is all I can do…
Since her initial placement on a dementia ward, Dawn has understood the contribution that her skills as an Occupational Therapist can make to her clients through regular life story work, etc. She’s now more aware of the other structural, organisational and financial factors that affect the level of care she can provide, but she’s still committed to providing the best care she is capable of.

Room 22
What does it feel like to be an elderly patient in a care hope, with limited ability to communicate one’s needs and wishes? How does a young professional adapt to cases like this, connect to her patients, and ensure their well-being?

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