Patient Voices: Terrific Teens!


Terrific Teens!

These Patient Voices Reflective digital stories have been created to explore the experiences of teenagers with long term conditions, their siblings, their families and their parents.

For each condition the model developed extended the approach used for the Both Sides Now project, which ran paired Patient Voices workshops, one for patients and one for staff who were linked by the same condition, issue or event. For the Terrific Teens project, we have adapted the model, moving from separate workshops run some time apart, to a model where we run separate but parallel workshops for each group – patients, parents, siblings, etc at the same time and at the same venue. We then bring the groups together after the three-day workshop to share their stories together and hence create the opportunity for storytellers to experience, and reflect upon, the other groups’ stories. Each of the links below will take you to a group of stories related to that condition.

Serious allergies
This project explores the experiences of teenagers with serious life-threatening allergies and their parents.

Sickle Cell Anaemia
This project explores the experiences of teenagers with Sickle Cell Anaemia, their siblings, their families and their parents.

Mixed long-term conditions
This project explores the experiences of a group of teenagers with a mixture of long term conditions: Type 1 Diabetes, Epilepsy and Ulcerative Colitis teenagers and their parents.

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