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Patient Voices: Cultivating compassion in end of life care

Cultivating Compassion in End of Life Care

Patient Voices Reflective digital stories created as part of the development of an inter professional learning resource intended to cultivate compassion in end of life care.

These stories were created in Pilgrim Projects/Patient Voices reflective digital storytelling workshops sponsored by Health Education North East in Durham, England in 2015. They were used, together with other stories from Patient Voices, to inform, enlighten and enhance a learning resource for professionals in end of life care. which was piloted in North-East England in 2016.

Legal care at end of life

Not coming home

The crack down on pull up pants

Just a care worker?

Fancy dress, of course!

Everyone’s someone’s family

No time to talk

My Dad

Last mountain

Don’t wait

A Chaplain’s tale

All hope is gone

Forever young


Between a rock and a hard place

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