Why me? |
John Horne |
A hard-working boatbuilder, fisherman and joiner, John was fit and capable. In his fifties he is affected by Angina, Asthma, bladder problems and then COPD - something he'd never heard of. After the pills and inhalers, the telehealth-supported pulmonary rehab programme puts hope back into his life, guides him to further programmes, such as 'Breathe Easy' and, together with the support of his family, keeps him going. |
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Have you made a digital story that you would like to share at the 1st iInternational Digital Storytelling Festival in Zakynthos, Greece? Click here to find out more!
©2024 Pilgrim Projects Ltd. Updated 29/04/2024. "Patient Voices" and the Patient Voices logo are ® Pilgrim Projects Ltd. Disclaimer and acceptable use policy |