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A tribute to St Nicholas' Hospice

Marilyn Kramer

Marilyn Kramer pays tribute to the hospice where her son Ian died peacefully and with dignity. Ian Kramer died on the 28th of May 2006 at St Nicholas' Hospice in Bury St Edmunds.

Ian was passionate about making things better for patients and gave generously of his time and stories. He was an enthusiastic supporter of the Patient Voices programme from its inception, and we are priviledged to have known and worked with him. If you have been moved by Marlyn or Ian's stories, or have found their contribution to your educational or quality improvement programmes useful, please consider making a donation to St Nicholas' Hospice, where Ian spent a lot of time in the last months of his life. He could never say enough good things about the care they provided.

To give, please follow the 'fundraising' link on the St Nicholas' Hospice website (

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